GHRH Virtual Work Experience Programme (Summer)
4-8 August 2025
GHRH Virtual Work Experience Programme
At the Girls Human Rights Hub (GHRH), we believe in empowering the next generation of advocates, lawyers, and leaders by offering meaningful and accessible opportunities to explore careers in human rights law and advocacy.
Whether you’re a high school or university student, graduate, or simply exploring your career options, our new virtual work experience programme is designed to inspire, equip, and engage you with the tools and knowledge you need to make a difference in the field of girls' human rights.
Carefully crafted by our team of legal and human rights experts, the five-step programme provides practical skills, real-world scenarios, and essential insights to boost your career prospects.
Sign up today, and you’ll:
Explore human rights law in action: Learn how lawyers and advocates are shaping the future of girls’ rights worldwide.
Discover diverse career paths: Gain insights into roles in global law firms, international organizations, grassroots advocacy, and more.
Experience real-life case studies: Work through practical scenarios and problem-solving exercises, focused on real issues like ending harmful practices and promoting education.
Build critical advocacy and legal skills: Develop skills in research, drafting, and public speaking to prepare for a career in human rights.
Earn a completion certificate: Add it to your CV and LinkedIn profile to stand out in your job applications.
Our virtual programme is open to all students, young professionals, and advocates (ages 16-24) who are interested in gaining valuable experience in human rights law and advocacy. For Members, the programme is completely free of charge. Non-members must pay £35 to secure their place in the programme. Join a growing community of passionate advocates working to advance the rights of girls around the world.
Sign up today and take the first step toward a career in human rights advocacy!
Work Experience Overview:
Duration: 5 days
Format: Each day, a 60-minute session will consist of:
60-minute Lecture from an expert speaker
30-minute assignment
30-minute reflection
Delivered online to enable participants from all over the world to attend.
Participants: students, young professionals, and advocates (ages 16-24)
The GHRH Scholars Programme aims to:
Provide participants with a deep understanding of pressing issues related to girls' human rights.
Create a platform for exchange between scholars, practitioners, and experts.
Encourage collaborative problem-solving and advocacy strategies.
Build knowledge and skills in research, public speaking, and policy-making.
Daily Topics
Day 1: Introduction to Girls’ Rights Law
Morning Session (60 minutes): Understanding Legal Frameworks for Girls' Rights: Overview of key international treaties and legal instruments (e.g., CRC, CEDAW).
Speaker: Legal academic with expertise in human rights law.
Assignment (30 minutes): Identify one key human rights treaty and summarize how it protects girls’ rights.
Reflection (30 minutes):Share findings in a group discussion or forum.
Day 2: Careers in Law Firms Advocating for Girls’ Rights
Morning Session (60 minutes): Pro Bono and Corporate Social Responsibility in Law Firm
Speakers: Panel discussion with lawyers involved in pro bono work and corporate responsibility.
Assignment (30 minutes): Draft a short proposal for a pro bono initiative on a girls' rights issue.
Reflection (30 minutes): Share proposals and receive peer feedback.
Day 3: Advocacy and Campaigns
Morning Session (60 minutes): Legal Advocacy and Public Awareness Campaigns
Speakers: Insights from a legal practitioner working in advocacy for girls’ rights.
Assignment (30 minutes): Design a brief outline of an advocacy campaign, focusing on goals and messaging.
Reflection (30 minutes): Present ideas and discuss how to measure campaign impact.
Day 4: Strategic Litigation
Morning Session (60 minutes): Using the Courts to Advance Girls’ Rights - Case studies of strategic litigation and its outcomes.
Speaker: Lawyer experienced in human rights litigation.
Assignment (30 minutes): Write a short summary of a landmark case that impacted girls' rights.
Reflection (30 minutes): Share insights and discuss key takeaways from the case.
Day 5: International Careers in Girls’ Rights Law
Morning Session (60 minutes): Exploring Global Opportunities: Careers at the UN, international NGOs, and regional organizations.
Speaker: Representative from an international institution.
Assignment (30 minutes): Draft a personal career plan, identifying one potential role and the skills needed to succeed.
Reflection (30 minutes): Share career plans and receive feedback from peers or facilitator
Key Features:
Short Sessions: Each day consists of a 60-minute live session, a 30-minute assignment, and a 30-minute reflection.
Interactive Platform: Zoom for live sessions and Google Docs for assignments.
Global Accessibility: Designed for participants in multiple time zones.
Certificate of Completion: Based on participation in live sessions and submission of assignments.
Who Can Join?
Who can join?
Any students aged 16-24 years plus who are interested in advancing girls’ rights. No prior experience is required—just a willingness to learn, collaborate, and contribute.
Programme Expectations
1. Engagement: Active participation is encouraged, with respect for differing viewpoints.
2. Attendance: Participants should strive to attend all sessions to maximize the learning experience.
3. Commitment: Participants must complete the 2 hours per session (including preparation and attendance).
Benefit for Participants
- Gain insights from leading experts in the field of human rights.
- Build a strong network with like-minded scholars and practitioners.
- Develop critical skills in advocacy, public speaking, and policy analysis.
- Receive a certificate of completion for active participation in all sessions.
To secure your spot in the GHRH Virtual Work Experience Programme, participants need to complete the process as follows:
Members/ Our Community: £10 to participate in the programme.
Non-members: £35 to participate in the programme.
Important: After you complete the form, click the payment link. You will be accepted onto the course once we receive both the form and payment. please complete both at the same time. Once you have been accepted onto the course, payments cannot be refunded or transferred.
Please make sure the payment is correct. If you haven't paid or have paid less than required, your spot in the course will be canceled automatically, even if you have received an acceptance email. If you request a refund, there is a £25 fee.
Scholarships for low-income households or countries are available. They cover tuition fees only. Applicants must choose the scholarship option on the form. You may need to provide more information.
Included in the Fee:
Access to all 5 days of expert-led sessions.
Assignments and Reflection Activities.
Certificate of Completion. Upon completing the programme, you'll receive a certificate to add to your CV and LinkedIn profile, showcasing your dedication to girls' human rights.
Course Materials. Access to session recordings and additional reading resources to deepen your understanding of each topic.
Interactive Platform. Live sessions via Zoom.
Send us an email at admin@ghrh.org if you have any questions. By submitting your application form and payment, you acknowledge that you have read, understood, and agreed to the Terms and Conditions.