Coline Schupfer

Coline is a consultant in intersectional justice at the Open Society Foundations. For the past ten years, she has engaged in advocacy, action research, and policy work, and has helped build structural legal aid projects in several countries across Asia, Europe, and North America. She previously worked and consulted for the Open Society Justice Initiative and the International Institute for Environment and Development, where she developed community-based public interest litigation and legal empowerment initiatives to strengthen protection regimes for migrants and refugees, and to seek accountability for the displacement and dispossession of Indigenous communities.

She is the co-editor of the anthology Resisting Borders and Technologies of Violence (Haymarket Books, 2023) and has written on subjects such as migration, displacement, human trafficking, and international law for the Border Criminologies blog, Opinio Juris, and theAsia-Pacific Journal on Human Rights and the Law. She holds a M.St. from Oxford University and a LL.B. from Sheffield University.